Memory Bloom is a flowering pet memorial for pet’s ashes. The kit enables you to hold a ceremony to mark the passing of your pet. It has been designed as an aid for dealing with grief. Memory Bloom can be used as this process: adding your pet’s ashes or tag, writing a note, reading the book about the circle of life and finally planting tour memory bloom. The flowers are really easy to grow, the whole pot is biodegradable bamboo and can be planted outside in spring/summer (so no need for depotting). Your flowers will come back each year in honour of your pet’s amazing life and gift of love. Includes: 1.5L compost Instruction booklet A wooden plant marker 6 Bulbs Heart shaped container for your pet’s ashes or a memento A special biodegradable pot A packet of seeds (for summer planting) Notepaper for your special message A family storybook to help deal with grief and as a memorial keepsake